Are YOU Exposed to LEAD at Work?

Some workers have a higher risk of exposure to lead while at their job. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) estimates that around 804,000 general industry workers and an additional 838,000 construction workers are potentially exposed to lead. These workers come in to contact with the toxic heavy metal through its production, use, maintenance, recycling, and disposal.  Lead exposure occurs in most industry sectors including construction, manufacturing, wholesale trade, transportation, remediation, and even recreation.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have compiled an informative list of jobs that are more likely to come in to contact with lead. This list includes:

  • Artists (materials used may contain lead)
  • Auto repairers (car parts may contain lead)
  • Battery manufacturers (batteries contain lead)
  • Bridge reconstruction workers (old paint may contain lead)
  • Construction workers (materials used may include lead)
  • Firing range instructors and gunsmiths (ammunition contains lead)
  • Glass manufacturers (lead may be used in glass production)
  • Lead manufacturers
  • Lead miners
  • Lead refiners
  • Lead smelters
  • Manufacturers of bullets, ceramics, and electrical components (all contain lead)
  • Painters (old paint and commercial paint may contain lead)
  • Plastic manufacturers (materials made may contain lead)
  • Plumbers and pipe fitters (pipes may contain lead)
  • Police officers (ammunition contains lead)
  • Radiator repairers (radiators may contain lead)
  • Recyclers of metal, electronics, and batteries (may contain lead)
  • Rubber product manufacturers (process contains lead)
  • Shipbuilders (materials used may include lead)
  • Solid waste incinerator operators (waste may contain lead)
  • Steel welder (galvanized steel is coated in part with lead)

Employers are required to protect workers from inorganic lead exposure under OSHA standards.  Click here for more information on lead standard requirements found at OSHA’s official website. If you or someone you know works with lead, please BE SAFE! Protect yourself by using a soap formulated to remove toxic heavy metals, like lead.  USE CLEAN-ALL HEAVY METALS® HAND & BODY SOAP!

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